11 years ago
Where do we go when we die? This blog examines what communities, planners and others are doing (and not doing) for cemeteries.
providing approximately 14,000 additional gravesites at the 123-year-old
cemetery. The new phase will include pre-placed double-depth crypt gravesites,
traditional gravesites, a columbarium and in-ground cremation sites as well as a
committal shelter, water distribution systems, roads, utilities, signs and
- approved the annexation of about 55 acres near the intersection of Carbon
Plant Road and Interstate 37 for a veterans’ cemetery. The land annexation is a
step needed before the land can become a cemetery. The cemetery will have space
for 4,500 burial plots during its first phase of construction, which state
officials have said will take about 10 years to fill. After the Texas Veterans
Land Board completes the cemetery’s site plan, it will ask the U.S. Department
of Veterans Affairs for $9.3 million for the project. It is expected to take
about 18 months to build.
In other news, a controversial ordinance that would force the city to
reopen the Summit Street entrance to a local cemetery was given its second
Department head Felix Gonzalez previously had visited council and
reported damage done to headstones by careless drivers using the cemetery, as
well as illegal drug and alcohol activity by area teens.
Mayor Davoli said
the cemetery is not a throughway.
Sandra Munsey of Mount Vernon Drive
reminded council a petition was submitted to have the entrance reopened.
The cemetery is not for the dead; it’s for the living. It’s for people to
recognize and show respect for their family. The Torah doesn’t say you have to
love your parents; it says you have to honor them.
The researchers found that putting stations in as little as 3 percent of
the available spots in the cemetery resulted in coverage of almost all the
breeding habitats in the immediate area, and mortality of up to 98 percent of
the mosquito larvae.
“Middletown Cemetery hasn’t been anyone’s priority for more than 60
On the grave end of the cradle-to-grave spectrum, lawmakers OK'd HB 2927,
which awaits [Gov. Rick] Perry's review.
The measure was sparked by concerns raised when
a Texas Ranger Museum expansion project in Waco could have caused disturbance at
an adjacent historical cemetery. A legislative review concluded that state
cemetery laws needed an overhaul.
The review led to the bill, which, among
other things, clarifies state jurisdiction over cemeteries and mandates a "good
faith effort to locate and remove all human remains, any casket or other
covering of the remains and any funerary objects associated with the remains"
whenever a burial site is disturbed
It’s everybody’s issue, not just a developer issue. The onus is on the
entire community. It’s a matter of ethical responsibility for the
The exhibition closes with three cemeteries whose designs demonstrate that
our relationship to landscape often transcends our quotidian needs. The
exhibition is on view in The Philip Johnson Architecture and Design Galleries,
third floor, from April 8 to September 14, 2009. It is organized by Andres
Lepik, Curator, and Margot Weller, Curatorial Assistant, Department of
Architecture and Design, The Museum of Modern Art.
Skulls and bones are displayed inside the Santa Maria's church at the small village of Wamba, near Valladolid, Spain, Sunday, April 5, 2009. According to investigators, somewhere between the 15th and 17th centuries, the need for
room in the surrounding cemetery prompted the opening of the oldest tombs and
placing the bones in the ossuary. (AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa de Olza)
Solitary, ground nesting bees play a vital role in ecological systems,
especially in pollination of crops and wild plants.
A cemetery association was established by members of the two churches in
1867, but the association disbanded about 30 years ago, and the churches took
over management and maintenance of the cemetery.
Through the years, the
association’s records have been lost, so there is no list of members or lot
holders. The churches maintain that, because they are not the legal owners of
the cemetery, the responsibility for maintaining a neglected or abandoned
cemetery lies with the borough.
“I wish we were never in the cemetery business, but we are.”
One sign of the lack of attachment of Americans to religion is that 27% do not
expect a religious funeral at their death.
Forestalling of religious rites of passage, such as marriage, and the lowering
expectations on religious funeral services, could have long lasting consequences
for religious institutions.
The cemetery's owners want to expand, developing 35.6 acres of conservation
land to provide burial space, mausoleums and cremation sites. But to do that,
they must obtain the approval of the state Land Use Commission to rezone 56.5
acres of conservation land to urban use, because cemeteries are not allowed on
conservation land.
The first objective of the project is to build upon existing Geographic
Information Systems data to create a model cemetery-interpretation program for
the Oak Grove and Zion Hill cemeteries in Nacogdoches. Once established,
genealogy researchers and heritage tourists may access the program online to
learn about the historic cemeteries and the people buried in them.
Currently, Vermont's burial statute allows a parent, spouse, sibling or
child of the deceased to object to a grave relocation.
The bill would expand the list to include descendants of the dead, local cemetery commissioners, historical societies, veterans groups and cemetery preservation groups such as the Vermont Old Cemetery Association.
Little research has been done in the United States on cemeteries' potential to pollute groundwater. Experts say conditions vary from site to site. Much depends on soil type, density of graves, and age of the burial ground - in the 19th century, arsenic was used to preserve bodies, a practice since stopped."It's an important issue that has not been solved," said Alison L. Spongberg, a geologist with the University of Toledo who studied water quality at four Ohio burial grounds. "A graveyard is nothing more than another type of landfill ... Of course they have to affect the groundwater if you put too many in one spot."